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Personal Injury Claims for Falling at Someone’s House

Fall is a festive time of year, with parties and celebrations that begin at Halloween and continue into the new year. Opening your home to others can be a great way to have fun with friends and neighbors, but it is important for those hosting events to understand the obligations they have to guests. Slip and fall injuries in the home are a common occurrence, and may result in serious injuries. Homeowners can be held liable for any injuries that visitors suffer if the homeowner failed to maintain the property in safe condition or take reasonable steps to repair unsafe conditions or provide warning of them.

Falling at Someone’s House

According to the National Safety Council, falls are a leading cause of accidental injury in the United States, leading to 2.5 million visits to the emergency room for treatment of non-fatal injuries in a recent year. Injuries from falls may occur anywhere, but one of the most common places is in the home. Falling at someone’s house may be caused by the following:

  • Wet, slippery floors or loose carpeting;
  • Loose steps;
  • Cluttered paths and uneven walkways;
  • Inadequate lighting, and lack of handrails on stairs;
  • An unrepaired hazard on the premises.

Can I Get Compensation for Falling at a Party?

If you are injured when visiting someone’s house or while attending a party, you may be entitled to seek compensation. A Daily Herald report on home-related injuries states that most homeowners polices pay up to a certain amount if a visitor is injured on a homeowner’s property, regardless of the blame. Common homeowner’s insurance policies provide two levels of coverage:

  1. Medical coverage for injuries suffered, regardless of whether the homeowner is to blame;
  2. General coverage if a guest is injured due to homeowner negligence, such as uneven walkways.

What Kind of Compensation Can I Get?

The insurance experts at Allstate advise that there are several types of compensation you may be entitled to through a premises liability lawsuit for injuries sustained from falls that occur on another’s property. These include:

  • Medical bills and expenses;
  • Lost wages and future losses in income;
  • Pain and suffering as the result of your injuries.

You may be able to get compensation for your medical bills through an injury claim against the homeowner’s insurance policy. If the insurance company refuses to offer a fair settlement, then you may seek compensation by filing a personal injury lawsuit against the potentially liable homeowner or party that controls the premises.

When Should I Contact a Lawyer?

When you suffer serious injuries that could affect your health and financial security, it is always advisable to speak with an experienced personal injury attorney as soon as possible to understand your options. Premises liability claims depend on the specific factors of the accident including whether the homeowner should have known about the hazard or warned guests about the hazard. In injury claims, it is not uncommon for the insurance company to attempt to undervalue your claim by disputing the severity of your injuries or how your injuries occurred. In some cases, the insurance adjuster may try to deny your claim completely. A premises liability attorney can review the facts of your trip-and-fall accident and advise you of your rights. An attorney can negotiate with the insurer on your behalf to help you receive the full amount of compensation that you need to recover.

Contact Us to See If You Have a Case

If you have been injured as the result of falling at someone’s house, contact our experienced Kentucky personal injury attorneys today. At the Frank Jenkins Law Office, we have assisted many Kentuckians injured in premises liability accidents and slip and fall accidents. We provide the kind of aggressive legal representation you need to get the full compensation you deserve. We serve Lexington and the surrounding areas. Call or contact our office online today to see if you have a case.